Meet The Team

Christine Business Manager

Christine (The Boss) has been with the GoFar from the very start and has steered us through both stormy waters and calm seas!

Andy Operations Coordinator

Now in his sixteenth year with GoFar...Andy not only organises things in the office...He's a dab hand with a brush outside the office too!

Chris Driver

Chris covers the villages "over the water" and brings them into Goole. Originally from down south Chris is now an adopted northerner


Little John Driver

One of the Johns driving for GoFar...This is Little called because he wasn't as tall as Big John and he's called John. But now Big John has retired...... we'll probably still call him Little John as its easier to remember.


Justine Driver

Justine is the latest GoFar recruit. Outside of driving for us she is a brilliant gardener, makes jams, makes chutneys, organises walks and writes a column for the local newspaper to name but a few...multi tasking or what!!

Michelle Driver

Michelle has joined GoFar as a driver on the Bubwith School run and has filled the boots of Terry who used to do the run....Obviously not his actual boots as they're probably a different size to Michelles boots

John Volunteer Driver

Sometimes known as "Middle John" because he wasn't as tall as "Big John" and we already have a "Little John" and....he's called John, but now Big John has retired we may start to call him....John.

Richard Volunteer Driver

Not only does Richard drive the buses....He's GoFars Vice Chair and trainer too...He is indeed a man with many hats! He also loves a good game of cricket...obviously not when he's driving!


Robin Volunteer Driver

Robin was a staff driver at Gofar for many a year, then retired and then decided to come back on a voluntary basis. When he's not driving for us he makes use of his caravan to get away


Graham Volunteer Driver

When he's not driving for GoFar, Graham renovates, refurbishes and re-builds cars. He also goes out on his motorbike and does sudoku...not at the same time


Mark Volunteer Driver

Mark has joined the Gofar crew to drive our minibuses which should be no problem for him as he also drives limousines....the big long ones...How cool is that 

Paul Volunteer Driver

Paul is an experienced and accomplished Broadcast Lighting Cameraman...He's been everywhere filming...He goes up in helicopters, wades through rivers and even flies drones...Now he's offered his services to GoFar....Win win


Frank Trustee

Frank was one of the original GoFar Crew when we started. He organised the bookings diary and drivers. He's handed that job on now, but is still involved with us as a Trustee and GoFars very own Monty Don offering advice and reminding us to water the plants in our compound